web: cordiviola.me@gmail.com
Mapas para perderse / Maps to get Lost
Reynaldo Sietecase
Translation Macarena Cordiviola
Selection of poems for the Presentation
in Frankfurt Book Fair 2009 |
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Calesitas de barrio
Barcos que se mueven sobre su eje.
Igual que el mundo inmundo que las sostiene. Giran. Calesitas de barrio.
Llaves de la alegría. Giran.
Carreras ganadas en corceles de madera.
Vuelos rasantes en aeroplanos que nunca despegan. Giran. Valen la infancia
estos viajes a ningún lugar.
Neighborhood carrousels
Ships traveling on their axis.
Same as the dreadful world bearing them. Spinning. Neighborhood carrousels.
Keys to joy. Spinning.
Races won in wooden horses.
Flyovers in airplanes never leaving the ground. Spinning. Trips to nowhere that are worth a childhood.